Sunday 16 October 2011

Storyboarding times

Hey it is that time of week again, I spoken to my tutor who read my script on Tuesday and we spent some time going through it. The main issue at the end that my tutor had a problem with, which is understandable as it was a bit on the awful side but I couldn't figure out how to change it. Any way we spoke about taking the ending outside the school to show that it just isn't the children not believing the girl but it was even people outside int he world, just as her own mother, so the film continues after she gets teased at school for beaning a liar and once she gets home her mother is comforting but you can tell from her voice that she too doesn't believe her either and just before the end the audience will find out that she actually wasn't lying but it isn't done in an obvious way such as seeing the dragon or being actually told it....I'm still working on that part, but I will be sure to let you know when I figure it out, of course I wont tell you the full details as it will spoil the fun.

Other than that I have mainly been working on my story board which is taking long than I thought as choreographing the fight scene between the girl and the dragon.

here are some of the shots that I have done so far.

I will go more in depth about the shots in the next blog, for when I finish my storyboard

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